it all began with a message from the ascended masters…

The following is my very first channelled message from the ascended masters. It is with this information and request from them that I was guided to an area of work within the spiritual realm that not only bridges the 3D world (Earth) with the higher dimensions, but to bring awareness and guidance to those currently having a human experience so that they themselves can understand and feel the majestic essence of they truly are and elevate their time spent here not only as an individual but in addition, help our sweet Mother Earth- Gaia in her own ascension process. Enjoy this simple but profound message…

A call to action.  The time is now.  You can no longer wait and move slowly. You have ignited your divine spark and now we need you to fan the flame- run not walk.  Better yet, emit your vibrations far and wide with strength and power.   No hesitation- but instead use discernment.   Release all fears of the past remembrances- as the past is in the past, and in this lifetime the masses of humans are ready for acceptance.  Embody being the pure essence of love.

Discernment- we ask you to consider some thought concepts as you move forward.  

The first is “words”.  Be careful how you use them as they hold frequency and power.  You can change the world and collective with your words.  

One word we’d like to discuss today is healing.  This word is being thrown around and we hear it being used in so many different ways- it is overused. So we ask what does it truly mean?  To the human, needing healing implies that one is broken- that they are not whole…that they are less than the perfect being they already are.  Not one single human is broken and neither is their soul, but yet so many think they are because of that singular word.  What does one need to be healed of?   Choose wisely. It is a shift that is needed. When you come to the density of the earth plane you have designed your life and the possible experiences you will encounter- even through free will.  Experiences are frequencies so if you do not like an experience then you must shift to another.  Use of the word should be sparing and pure.

Let's move to the gifts and abilities that you talk about that have been bestowed upon you…explore the concept that you have not been gifted with what you are doing on your plane.  Can we not all communicate through energy, frequency, and vibrations in the different densities?  Again, you chose your experiences in this reincarnation and you chose to remember and access the abilities that you have gained through many lifetimes of mastery, but now you are now fine tuning them and aiding others on a larger scale.  Telling humans one has been gifted implies one is greater than another.  It creates separation- fear- jealousy… and lowers the planetary vibration on a whole…You are all equal- just moving through different experiences that reside in a variation of frequencies. 

Let's cut to the chase.  Each of you may work with different age groups or vibrational experiences.  Some with the humans- whether it be with children, adults, or the elderly….some with the various animal species, and others with the plant kingdom ...  the areas are endless but all are synergistic. Time is of the essence.  Those working with children please know these souls are coming in already highly attuned and through their own design and change in density they need help shifting and adjusting at a faster pace with precision than ever before, for the job they have chosen to do as a collective is massive and almost beyond human comprehension.  The shifts into remembrance are paramount.  

You have lived many lifetimes to gain your mastery so we call upon you now to continue to choose to access those vibrational frequencies and help those around you expedite their own movement with access- to start the shift of the human and planetary rising of the collective.  Your human mind and higher mind are one- there is no separation.  Watch where you seek.

Step into your power and remember who you are for you are a master among masters.

It's time to break the confines of the matrix.


never underestimate who you are (it’s time to remember)